Live互動英語(互動光碟版) 11月號/2012 第139期限量出售

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Life of Pi
A peaceful journey to a new land takes a terrible turn when the ship that a young Indian boy, Pi, and his family are on starts to sink. Pi is lucky enough to make it to a lifeboat. However, that luck is mixed because the lifeboat already has a passenger—a huge Bengal tiger. To save his own life, it looks like Pi will also have to risk it. Thus begins the story and new movie Life of Pi.
The film of the award-winning book Life of Pi is directed by Taiwan’s Ang Lee. In fact, parts of the movie were filmed in Taichung and Kenting. Lee decided to film the movie in 3-D, but it wasn’t just for big special effects. By using 3-D, he says he hopes to put the audience in the emotional space of the characters.
More than 3,000 actors auditioned to play Pi, but Lee decided to cast Suraj Sharma, an unknown seventeen-year-old Indian student, for this role. In Sharma, Lee believes he has found an actor with “the innocence to capture our attention and the depth of character to break our hearts.”



定價:220 優惠價:95209
Live互動英語(互動光碟版) 11月號/2012 第139期

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