圖書資訊學研究 12月號/2009 第四卷 第1期售完不補
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社會性書籤網站之使用者與標籤特性初探 / 卜小蝶、張淇龍
從圖書館價值探討我國圖書館員基本專業能力 / 王梅玲、劉濟慈
國民小學圖書館內部空間用後評估之研究 / 謝建成、王丹怡
刁難讀者類型之質化研究──以大學圖書館為例 / 陳書梅
運用文件分群與概念關聯分析技術協助網誌瀏覽:任務導向評估方法 / 吳怡瑾、方友杉、喻欣凱
An Exploratory Study of Users and Tags on Social Bookmarking Websites / Hsiao-Tieh Pu, Chi-Lung Chang
A Study of the Core Competencies for Taiwan’s Librarians from the Library Values Perspective / Mei-Ling Wang, Chi-Tzu Liu
A Post Occupancy Evaluation Study of the Interior of an Elementary School Library / Jiann-Cherng Shieh, Tan-Yi Wang
A Qualitative Study of the Types and Characteristics of Difficult Patrons in University Libraries / Chen Su-may Sheih
Supporting Browsing of Blogs via Text Clustering and Concept Analysis Techniques: A Task-Oriented Evaluation Approach / I-Chin Wu, Yu-Shang Fang, Hsin-Kai Yu
定價:400元 優惠價:95折380元

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