高教評鑑 6月號/2010 第4卷第1期買到賺到
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內容簡介 Many accrediting organizations play a key “gatekeeper” role in higher education quality. Various types of assessment tools are used to determine whether higher education institutions and programs are eligible to receive the governmental grant and to provide consumers with more transparent information about universities and colleges. Yet, there has been growing criticism of these assessment tools adopted over higher education accountability. For example, how can quality assurance system be held more accountable for assuring performance, including student-learning outcomes, in accrediting institutions and programs? How can the standards and processes be changed to be more open to and supportive of innovation and diversity in higher education. Hence, Dr. Ralph Wolff, President and Executive Director, Accrediting Commission for Senior Colleges and Universities, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) ever wrote that “While the efforts of different organizations to improve institutional quality and accountability may appear overlapping and even sometime conflicting, they are needed to address the different perspectives that different institutions bring to bear on these issues.” Despite differences in the size and developmental stages of their higher education sectors, it is agreed that establishing a more explicit quality assurance system is needed in all higher education. ...繼續閱讀
定價:300元 優惠價:95折285元

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