超值推薦-CNN互動英語(互動光碟版) 2月號/2012 第137期
網友評鑑5顆星,透過網友的介紹 終於讓我找到這個產品了博客來語言學習-英文分類熱銷好書
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Angry Birds Overkill
Did the Makers of the Hit App Put All Their Eggs in One Basket?
Here is something that’s hard for people around the world to turn off: Angry Birds. The popular game has gone way beyond the mobile phone. OK, well, some offerings, they have to do with the mobile phone, like the Angry Birds iPhone case. There are also these plush pigs, plush Angry Birds. The game developer Rovio says it has sold around eight million toys.
《新聞串流》 克莉絲蒂?魯?史道
這是世界各地民眾都很難戒掉的東西:憤怒鳥。這款人氣遊戲已經遠遠跨越行動電話。好,例如一些週邊商品,它們與行動電話有關,像是憤怒鳥的 iPhone 手機套,還有這些絨毛豬娃娃、絨毛憤怒鳥娃娃。遊戲開發商 Rovio 表示已經賣出約八百萬組玩具。
And there’s even an Angry Birds cookbook, and it features—you guessed it—only egg recipes. And there’s also an animated movie in the works right there.
So, Rovio built some 51 games before hitting it big with Angry Birds. It seems the developer is milking the success. So, let’s go now to our regular tech contributor, Nick Thompson of the New Yorker, and he joins us now live from New York.
那麼,Rovio 在靠著憤怒鳥打開知名度前做過五十一款遊戲。這家開發商似乎正在趁這波成功大賺特賺。我們現在請到我們的定期科技供稿人,《紐約客》的尼克?湯普森,在紐約與我們現場連線。
And Nick, all right, you’ve got the Angry Birds toys, the movie, the cookbook. Is this brilliant marketing or brand overextension?
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