Live互動英語(互動光碟版) 12月號/2012 第140期破盤出清
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A Kidnapped Santa Claus〈被綁架的聖誕老人〉
本篇為美國知名兒童文學作家法蘭克.鮑姆(L. Frank Baum, 1856–1919)的短篇故事。鮑姆最有名的著作是《綠野仙蹤》(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)。在這個故事中,五項罪惡被擬人化,與聖誕老人作對,但最後仍被感化,彰顯出聖誕節代表的慷慨與慈愛精神是永遠不滅的。
Day One
Some people say that Santa Claus lives at the North Pole, but one story claims that he lives in a place called Laughing Valley. It got its name from the laughter that fills the air as Santa and his helpers make toys for the world’s children.
In a mountain next to Laughing Valley live creatures that are a lot less cheerful. These creatures hate Santa because he makes children happy. There are five of these creatures, and they make their homes inside the mountain’s caves. Selfishness lives in the first cave. He hates Santa because Santa teaches children to be generous, so they never have a reason to visit Selfishness. The creature in the second cave, Envy, is lonely, too. He complains that children are so content with Santa’s gifts that Envy can’t coax any of them to visit him.
“And that makes it bad for me!” shouted the third creature, Hatred, one day. “For if no children pass through the Caves of Selfishness and Envy, none can get to MY cavern.” Malice and even the kinder Repentance agreed that their misery was all Santa’s fault.
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