Live互動英語(互動光碟版) 2月號/2013 第142期秒殺搶購
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A Closer Look at Roses
The rose is one of the most popular symbols of love today. It’s no wonder, then, that roses are often given to that special someone on Valentine’s Day. What might be surprising, though, is that this beautiful flower also has a long and intriguing history.
Roses have existed for 35 million years. However, they only began to be cultivated around 5,000 years ago. First grown in Asia, they eventually spread to the rest of the world. Roses were valued not only for their beauty, but also for the medical properties they were believed to have. The ancient Romans, for example, believed that these flowers could be used as a cure for wrinkles and even to prevent drunkenness. In the seventeenth century, rose water became so popular that it took the place of money in some parts of Europe!
Mass cultivation of roses began in the late eighteenth century in Europe. Through crossbreeding, new colors, such as yellow, orange, green, and red, were soon introduced to join the traditional roses. Rose colors took on different meanings as well, with red representing love, yellow friendship, and white innocence.
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