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LeBron James: The Chosen One
—Mike Corsini
What’s next for basketball star LeBron James? Sitting at the top of the NBA landscape as the world’s undisputed top player, he has to marvel at the difference a year makes. Last season, he and the Miami Heat won the league title, James’s first. It seems strange to think that to NBA fans, one year earlier he was public enemy number one.
The source of fans’ and media members’ resentment of James was the way he handled his departure from his first NBA team—his hometown Cleveland Cavaliers. After his contract with the team expired after the 2009-2010 season, James became one of the most sought-after free agents in league history. He created a TV special to broadcast his decision and uttered that he’d be “taking my talents to South Beach” and signing with Miami. Days later, he spoke confidently of aiming for “not five, not six, not seven” NBA titles with his new team.
Money from the TV special went to charity, a fact largely ignored as criticism piled up. The negativity peaked when James and the Heat reached the 2011 NBA Finals and, to the delight of many basketball fans, fell to the Dallas Mavericks. It’s only now, with the 2012 championship trophy in hand, that James seems to have earned the respect of his critics.

球迷和媒體對詹姆士會如此憤慨的原因,在於他離開所效力的第一支NBA球隊,即家鄉的克里夫蘭騎士隊的處理方式。在二○○九到二○一○年的球季結束後,詹姆士和該隊的合約也到期了,他當時是聯盟史上最炙手可熱的自由球員之一。他製作了一個電視特輯來播放他的決定,並揚言他將「帶著我的才華到南灘去」,並與邁阿密熱火隊簽約。數日後,他自信滿滿地表示他的目標是和新球隊拿下「不只五個,不只六個,也不只七個」NBA總冠軍。(編按:South Beach亦被暱稱為SoBe,位在美國佛羅里達州的邁阿密海灘市。)

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定價:220 優惠價:95209
ALL+互動英語(互動光碟版) 3月號/2013 第100期

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