高教評鑑 12月號/2009 第三卷第2期限量出售
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內容簡介 Universities and states are facing a number of challenges and opportunities in the era of globalization. They are competing for students, staff, funding and last but not least reputation. Currently, the major concern for both of them is how to assure quality in higher education and global competitiveness through a variety of governmental policies and institutional actions. As Dr. Jamil Salmi stated, “Tertiary education helps countries build globally competitive economies by developing a skilled, productive, and flexible labor force and by creating, applying, and spreading new ideas and technology”. Hence, the function and impact of several quality assurance tools, such as accreditation, rankings and international benchmarking, which emphasize output monitoring and measurements and systems of accountability and auditing, have been discussed widely in recent years.
It is imperative that the quality process in higher education is more than compliance; in fact, it needs to be tied to a continuous quality improvement culture established inside campus. We believe that all papers in the issue will help inspire local and international readers, particularly institutions, to think independently how they can do to move themselves forward more successfully. Finally, on behalf of Higher Education Evaluation & Accreditation Council of Taiwan, in addition to the contributions of 5 authors, we would also like to publicly thank our international and national referees for their thoughtful and valuable comments on all articles in the issue. Finally, let Editorial Board of Evaluation in Higher Education end by wishing you a very successful Year 2010!! ...繼續閱讀
定價:300元 優惠價:95折285元

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