師大學報 9月號/2012 第57卷第2期限時特價
購買[師大學報 9月號/2012 第57卷第2期]絕對物超所值
從「觀物」到「安樂」?論邵雍生命哲學的實踐開展 From "Observation of Things" to "Peace and Joy"─The Development of Experience within Shao Yong’s Philosophy of Life
「文章四友」新論:以李嶠、崔融之應用文書寫為探討中心 New Perspectives on "Wenzhang Siyou:" A Focus on Li Qiao and Cui Rong’s Practical Prose
新出墓誌與唐代崔氏文學家族研究?以清河崔融一系為中心的考察 A Study on Newly Unearthed Epitaphs and the Ts’ui Literary Family in the Tang Dynasty─An Investigation Centered on the Ts’ui Rong Family Line in Qinghe
論《西藏等三邊賦》?清代邊疆輿地賦之代表 Discussion on Trilateral Prose-Poem─Representative Works of the Frontier and Region in the Qing Dynasty
香港小學語文校本課程規劃的理念評議?以《小學中國語文校本課程及學習單元設計示例?理念篇》為例 Evaluation of Primary School-based Curriculum Planning in Hong Kong─A Case Study on Primary School Based Chinese Curriculum and Examples of Learning Unit Design
粵北土話小稱調的類型分析:優選理論的探索 Typology of the Diminutive Tones in Yuebei Tuhua: An Optimality-Theoretical Perspective
...繼續閱讀定價:260元 優惠價:95折247元

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