好書推薦-Live互動英語(互動光碟版) 11月號/2011 第127期



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Amphibians: Life on Water and Land

The world is filled with fascinating animals, but one kind is frequently overlooked. These animals are often small, have wet skin, and start life underwater but end up living on land. These are amphibians, and they are pretty cool creatures.
There are over 6,800 species of amphibians in the world, and around 6,000 of those are frogs. They come in many shapes and colors, but they share some common features. Frogs lay their eggs in the water, and the tadpoles that hatch from the eggs look like fish and have gills. As they get older, they grow legs and lungs, which allows them to leave the water. Many species can also take in oxygen through their skin, though this ability causes them to lose moisture quickly.
Another special feature of frogs is their large eyes. These give frogs the ability to see a lot without having to move. Some frogs can even see behind them. The eyes are protected by a third lid that closes when the frog goes underwater. These great eyes and a long, sticky tongue make frogs very effective hunters.

  《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.127  十一月號 Live互動英語雜誌 》


定價:220 優惠價:95209
Live互動英語(互動光碟版) 11月號/2011 第127期

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