ALL+互動英語(互動光碟版) 11月號/2012 第96期哪裡買?
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50 Years of James Bond
○○七縱橫影壇五十年–Asha Thibedeau
He’s skied off a cliff in the Alps. He’s driven a tank through downtown St. Petersburg. In Madagascar, he leapt from the top of one crane to another. He always cheats death with style, and his name is Bond, James Bond.
The James Bond series, the longest-running film franchise, is now turning 50. Since 1962, the novel-based character first brought to the big screen in Dr. No has never failed to entertain us on his dangerous missions. Who wouldn’t love a movie with all the best ingredients— a handsome spy, evil criminals, beautiful women, exotic locations, cutting-edge gadgets, and amazing action?
Each actor who has played Bond has added a different touch to the timeless character. First, Sean Connery was confident and romantic, yet cold-blooded. Roger Moore emphasized Bond’s humorous side. Timothy Dalton took over and made Bond colder and darker. Pierce Brosnan portrayed a more sensitive, even vulnerable, Bond. Today, fans love Daniel Craig’s realistic portrayal and physical strength. He never remains perfectly groomed for long and gets bloodied often. For many Bond fans, Craig has breathed new life into the long-running series.
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