
biz互動英語(互動光碟版) 12月號/2012 第108期售完不補



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Flying High with Low-Cost Carriers


Low-cost carriers (LCCs) are not an altogether new phenomenon. As far back as the 1950s, Pacific Southwest Airlines was offering low-cost flights in the U.S. In the late 1970s, Britain’s Freddie Laker took on the established giants with his Laker Airway, the first no-frills service across the Atlantic.

However, it wasn’t until Time Warner exec Tony Fernandes reinvented AirAsia as a cut-price service that people in Asia were able to take advantage of the low-cost trend. When Fernandes purchased the company in 2001 in the wake of the September 11 attacks, many thought he had lost his marbles. It proved a shrewd move due to a massive drop in aircraft leasing costs and the availability of experienced staff who had been laid off because of the ailing industry. The Aussie airline Jetstar Airways followed suit and, more recently, Japan and Singapore have entered the market with Peach Aviation and Scoot respectively.
While dirt-cheap deals to destinations around Asia are now available, shoestring travelers should exercise caution.
LCCs often fly out of secondary, out-of-the-way airports. Other downsides include shorter check-in windows, inconvenient flight times and, generally, minimal in-flight service. Passengers should also be wary of cancellations. Where major airlines will often be able to get you on the next flight, LCCs usually offer no backup plan.
Perhaps the most contentious issue concerns extra charges, some of which are hidden to the point of deception. Most LCCs charge for meals, and if you don’t book them in advance, they can cost an arm and a leg on board. AirAsia also charges for blankets and, following RyanAir’s controversial model, automatically books you for travel insurance. Furthermore, while processing fees are standard for online credit card purchases, LCCs often charge each-way fees for individual passengers. At least AirAsia has abandoned its counter check-in fee, something that RyanAir clings to.
In summary, cheap international flights in Asia and elsewhere can only be a good thing. However, vacationers would do well to read the small print before clicking that button.

廉價航空(簡稱 LCC)並非全新的風潮。早在一九五○年代,太平洋西南航空就已在美國境內提供低價航班;一九七○年代末期,英國的佛萊迪?雷克和這些頗富聲望的前輩一較高下,成立雷克航空,這是第一家飛越大西洋的基本服務航空公司。


定價:220 優惠價:95209
biz互動英語(互動光碟版) 12月號/2012 第108期

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