高教評鑑 12月號/2010 第4卷第2期如何購買?
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內容簡介 Quality assurance in many countries and regions of the world address the needs and priorities of very different higher education systems. Given the fact that higher education is moving toward internationalizing, such area as recruiting international students, partnering with joint programs, becoming an educational hub, even seeking international accreditation, building themselves as world class universities, national quality assurance systems which used to operate in the domestic context are expected to take cross-border higher education quality issues into consideration in the local context. In other words, quality assurance needs to adhere to international standards and practices in order to enhance the national and global trust placed on higher education and qualification obtained, particularly in student learning outcomes assessment. There is wide recognition that the level of institutional capacity should be measured by how much learning outcomes are produced. Yet, there was still little evidence of how much those students were learning because no reliable comparable data has been created to indicate if higher education learning was good, bad or somewhere in between. So, setting up standards and gathering evidence remained a big challenge for most institutions. This volume of Evaluation in Higher Education presents the trends above and implications in higher education quality issues. It includes 5 great papers regarding research evaluation and standards of learning outcomes of higher education institutions in the different regions. ...繼續閱讀
定價:300元 優惠價:95折285元

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