MIS Review 資管評論 2009年第15卷第1期買到賺到
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購買[MIS Review 資管評論 2009年第15卷第1期]絕對物超所值
Editor’s Introduction
MIS Review is a double-blind refereed journal founded in June 1988 by Department of Management Information Systems, College of Commerce, National Chengchi University in Taiwan. The purpose is to promote academic research and knowledge exchange in information management field. Throughout the years, it had been published mostly annually until 2006. To better serve our stakeholders, the journal changes its publication frequency and adopts a bilingual format. Earlier in 2009, the editorial office signed a contract with Airiti Inc. and begins in September 2009 to publish the journal bi-annually both in print (in English) and online (in both English and Chinese). The journal now uses an online submission/review system for the double-blind review process. It strives for becoming a journal indexed by EI and SSCI in a few years.
In this issue, we are proud to present 4 articles selected from 21 articles submitted to the journal. The first article, “The Impact of Cultural Difference on Online Text-based Negotiation Behaviour: Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods” by Lin et al., applies integrated qualitative and quantitative research methods to examine the impact of cultural difference on Q3online text-based negotiation behaviour. The second paper, “Using Constructivism and Scaffolding Theories to Explore Learning Style and Effect in Blog System Environment” by Chang et al., explores the effects of learning style and (constructivism versus scaffolding) teaching strategy on learning effectiveness in a blog e-learning environment. The third one, “Exploring e-Learning Effectiveness Based on Activity Theory: An Example of Asynchronous Distance Learning” by Hung et al., develops an e-learning effectiveness framework based on activity theory and reports their survey results based on a sample of working teachers.
Over the years the technology acceptance model has grown into one of the most researched areas full of elaboration and extensions. To help research and choose an appropriate model, the fourth article, “An Integrated Analysis of Technology Acceptance Behaviour Models: Comparison of Three Major Models” by Jen et al., reports results of an empirical analysis testing related models. In this study, the authors first review a handful of associated models and then select three most representative ones to compare their richness and parsimony.
We hope this new bilingual format of the journal would open an attractive knowledge exchange platform for both Chinese and non-Chinese authors. We are committed to help you, our authors, reach out into the world. Please give us your continuous support and submit your papers to MISR. With your unconditional support, we are confident in reaching our aims in the near future.
We would like to give our sincere thanks to our editorial assistant and doctoral student, John C.J. Ting, for his diligent effort in handling the review process. To our editorial team from Airiti, we thank you for your professional quality assistance in processing the production details. Finally, to our readers around the world, we thank you very much for reading the journal and hope you find it interesting and useful. If you could request your library to subscribe to the journal and begin to cite the papers in it, we are much obliged.
Dr. Eldon Y. Li
Editor-in-Chief and University Chair Professor
Dr. Sean T.H. Lee
Managing Editor and Associate Professor
Department of Management Information Systems
National Chengchi University
Taipei, Taiwan
Fall 2009
定價:400元 優惠價:95折380元

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