ABC互動英語(互動光碟版) 6月號/2012 第120期物超所值
網友評鑑4顆星,我朋友前幾天買了 覺得很滿意喔博客來語言學習-英文分類超值好書
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Throwing a Birthday Party: Keep It a Secret
Part A
David and Anne are going to do something for Peter’s birthday.
Anne: I’m not sure what to do for Peter’s birthday. Maybe we should take him bowling.
David: I have a better idea. Let’s throw him a surprise party.
Anne: That sounds like fun. What kind of party would he like?
David: I’m really not sure. Maybe some of his other friends can advise us.
Anne: All right. I’ll ask them to come up with some ideas. I’ll also pick up refreshments and some decorations.
David: Great. I’ll get started on a guest list, and then send out invitations.
Anne: Remember to tell everyone to keep it a secret.
安: 我拿不定主意要怎麼幫彼得慶生,也許我們該帶他去打保齡球。
大衛: 我有個更好的點子,我們辦場驚喜派對吧。
安: 聽起來很好玩。他想要什麼樣的派對呢?
大衛: 我不是很確定,或許他的其他朋友可以給我們建議。
安: 好,我會請他們提供一些想法,也會去買茶點和一些裝飾品。
大衛: 太好了,我來開始列賓客名單,然後把邀請函寄出去。
安: 記得告訴大家要保密喔。
Part B
They are still preparing for the party.
Anne: I talked to some of Peter’s friends. They think he’ll be up for anything.
David: I know! We’ll have a karaoke party at my house. I’ve got speakers, microphones, and a karaoke machine in my basement.
Anne: Hmmm. . . there might be a problem.
David: What? Do you think we’ll bother my neighbors?
Anne: No. The problem is that you’re the worst singer in the world.
David: You’re kidding, right? I’ve got a great voice.
Anne: Well. . . OK. I’ll call everyone and tell them our plans.
David: I’ll clean up the downstairs part of the house.
安: 我和彼得的幾個朋友談過,他們覺得彼得什麼都會喜歡。
大衛: 我知道了!在我家辦卡拉OK派對,我有喇叭、麥克風,地下室還有卡拉OK伴唱機。
安: 嗯……可能會有個問題。
大衛: 什麼問題?妳覺得我們會打擾到鄰居嗎?
安: 不是。問題在於你是世界上無敵大音痴。
大衛: 妳在開玩笑吧?我的歌聲很好聽啊。
安: 呃……好吧。我會打電話告訴大家我們的計畫。
大衛: 我會把地下室打掃乾淨。
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