台語研究 9月號/2009 第1卷第1期網路狂銷
網友評鑑5顆星,這麼棒的好書 一定要介紹給大家博客來親子育樂-教育分類優質推薦
想了解更多[台語研究 9月號/2009 第1卷第1期]的介紹請點擊左邊圖片
內容簡介 The Journal of Taiwanese Vernacular was eventually published! This
journal accepts papers written in Taiwanese/English with regard to Tai-gi or
the Taiwanese language on any aspects, such as linguistics, literature, culture
and history. For a long time, due to the Mandarin Chinese-only policy,
research papers in Taiwanese are not friendly accepted in Taiwan’s academic
circle. That is one of the main reasons we try to publish an academic journal
in Taiwanese. In addition to Taiwanese, papers in English are also welcome
especially for those international scholars. Works on languages other than
Taiwanese are also appreciated as long as they are helpful to the study or
revival of Taiwanese. In short, I would like to express my immense gratitude
to the authors, advisory board, editors, and publishers. This journal won’t
come true without their supports. Of course, I would like to thank you, the
readers and the prospective authors of this journal, for your future supports! ...繼續閱讀
定價:500元 優惠價:95折475元

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