好書推薦-教育與心理研究 9月號/2012 第35卷第3期
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內容簡介 記憶廣度及語境效應對閱讀歧義詞彙的影響:來自眼動的證據 Memory Span and Contextual Effects on Lexical Ambiguity Resolution During Chinese Sentence Reading: Evidence from Eye Movements
不可承受之重:癌末主要照顧者的心思經驗探究 Unbearable Burden: Understanding the Psychological Reactive Experiences of Primary Caregivers for the Terminal Cancer Patients
國小一年級教師對弱勢學習者數學學習之覺知研究 An Exploratory Study of First-Grade Teachers’ Awareness on Disadvantaged Students’ Mathematical Learning
批判性思考本質的分析及其對教學的啟發 The Analysis of the Essence of Critical Thinking and its Implications of Teaching
臺灣學生學習成就評量資料庫標準設定探究:以2009年國小六年級社會科為例 A Primary Study on the Standard Settings of the Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement Considering 6th Grade Social Studies in 2009 as an Example ...繼續閱讀
定價:250元 優惠價:95折238元

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