小說與戲劇 1月號/2011 第20卷第2期售完不補
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內容簡介 In the latest issue of Fiction and Drama, four great articles were accepted as follows. Prof. Hsin-Ju Kuo investigates the theoretical discussions of the entangled relationship between women immigrants’ identity re-formation and culinary praxis in the transnational context and then examines women immigrants’ traumatic experience of disassociation engendered by the process of emigration and cultural displacement. In the second article, Through analyzing the representation of cultural landscape and the uneven distribution social spaces for different races in the two Australian films, Prof. Chi-Szu Chen explicates the uneven development of mobility and focuses on how politics of mobility and access is inscribed in the moral geographies and applied in creating space of survival in a colonial social sphere. In the third essay, early critical response to Don DeLillo’s most recent novel, Point Omega, is considered in light of DeLillo’s visionary propensities, his uncanny ability. Prof. Jonathan Butler claims that more emphasis should be placed on DeLillo’s intended purpose, to “suggest” things rather than articulate them in sharp detail, a purpose commensurate, with the nature of speculating on such an “evolutionary leap” for humanity. While the forth article argues that post-Holocaust forgiveness should be read along with the-yet-to-be-worked-through trauma of Holocaust survivors by re-reading Jonathan Safran Foer’s Everything Is Illuminated. ...繼續閱讀
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