站長推薦-網際網路技術學刊 10月號/2009 第10卷第5期
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Journal of Internet Technology
Volume 10, No. 5 October 2009
Regular Section
1. Enabling a Paging Mechanism in Network-Based Localized Mobility Management Networks
Jong-Hyouk Lee, Sangheon Pack, Ilsun You, Tai-Myoung Chung
2. A Hierarchical Power-Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks
Shi-Jin Dai, Le-Min Li, Tin-Yu Wu, Gwo-Ruey Yu
3. A Smart Object Centric Indoor Location Model for Future Ubiquitous and Grid Services
Fahim Kawsar, Kaori Fujinami, Jong Hyuk Park, Tatsuo Nakajima, Jeong Bae Lee, Kee Wook Rim
Special Issue on TANET2008
1. An Effective Anomaly Traffic Detection System via Quadruple Attributes for NTU Campus Network
Mei-Wen Li, Wei-Yen Day, Phone Lin, Hsin-Hsi Chen
2. Benefits? or Challenges? University Student Perception of E-Learning
Su-Chen Wang, Bronwen Cowie, Alister Jones
3. Design and Implementation of Ubiquitous Home Multimedia Service
Yu-Chun Lu, Chu-Sing Yang, Ming-Yi Liao, Chun-Wei Lai
Special Issue on Digital Forensics and Advanced Security Services for Future Communications and Computing
1. Study on a Safe and Efficient mOTP (mobile-OTP) Authentication Mechanism for the Mobile Environment
Hyung-Geun Oh, Soo-Young Kang, Jung-Taek Seo, Im-Yeong Lee, Jongsub Moon
2. An Ontology-Based Trust Negotiation Framework in Advanced Communications and Computing Environments
Bailing Liu, Hongwei Lu
3. An Intelligent and Reliable Data Transmission Mechanism for Highly Destructible Wireless Sensor Network
Yi-Ying Zhang, Lei Shu, Myong-Soon Park, Lei Wang, Eun-Mook Lee
4. CFES: A Comprehensive Framework for Forensic Analysis of Embedded Systems
Kyung-Soo Lim, Yongseok Choi, Jongsung Kim, Changhoon Lee, Sangjin Lee
5. A Case Study for Forensic Investigation Concerning Malformed Flash Drive and Unknown Graphic Image Files
Hai-Cheng Chu, Der-Jiunn Deng, Jong Hyuk Park
6. A Fast Practical Method for Recovery of Lost Files in Digital Forensics
Kenan Kalajdzic, Ahmed Patel
7. Recursive Selection Method for False Report Filtering
Hee-Suk Seo, Jin Kwak
8. Self-Recovery Algorithm Based on Motion Estimation of I-Frames for Compressed Video
Xiao Zeng, Zhen-Yong Chen, Zhang Xiong
9. A Scenario-Based BioAPI Conformance Test Technique to Apply a Telebiometric System Model to the National Infrastructure Establishment
Yong-Nyuo Shin, Woochang Shin
10. UICC-Based Service Security Framework for Pervasive Fixed Mobile Convergence
Jae-Min Park, Yong-Ki Min, Min-Jeong Kim
Vol.10 No.4 p.359
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